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Plan a trip to Athens

Athens, a city with a rich history, is the foundation of all Western culture. The first settlement was made in BC.

It appeared in the region 3,000 years ago. E. The golden age of Hens Theons dates back to the 6th century. E. When the city's world culture was lived and worked by the extraordinary people of Plato, East Restolt, Sophocles, Euripides, Esquila, Fidius and many others.

Until the advent of Constantinople and Byzantium, the city remained important, eventually the region became Christian, and Athens became the provincial city that was in control of the Muslim Turks after Byzantium's fall.
In the thirteenth century, Athens became the capital of independent Greece. With the decision to move the capital to Athens, a group of architects and city dwellers came together because the new city could be erected with classic relics while Athens's car was not crazy.


Mount Lycobetas

Mount Lycabetus - A steep limestone hill in Athens, 277 meters above sea level. The hill is high around the city. Built in the 11th - 12th century, at the base of a theater and restaurant and pineapple grove, St. George's Chapel is at the top. The large open hill theater often hosts traditional Greek or international concerts. An excellent SMS platform from which Acropolis is visible at a glance.
The church was built under Byzantine Emperor Vasily II and was destroyed by fire in 1930, but was completely restored the following year. In general, Lycabetus is a very popular place for tourists to visit, where you can climb the Lycabetas funiculus from a station in Kolonaki. This mountain is mentioned in some legends. According to folklore, this hill once served as a haven for wolves, causing its name to fall "one of the wolves." According to legend, Lycabethus is dedicated to the goddess Ata, who, according to legend, dropped a drop from the mountain for the construction of the Acropolis.

Acropolis of Athens

The Acropolis of Athens is the most famous Acropolis in the world. Although there are many other Acropolis in Greece, the importance of the Acropolis in Athens is so great that it is often referred to simply as the Acropolis. On March 26, 2007, the Acropolis was officially declared a monument to European cultural heritage.
The Acropolis is a flat, high rock that is 150 meters above sea level in Athens and covers an area of ​​about 3 hectares. He was also known as Cecropia in honor of the great serpent, the first king of Athens, Cecropus.
Today, the remnants of many temples - the Parthenon, the Niche Pteros and the Erathian temples, as well as a few others - have become increasingly complex in many cases. In addition, on the way to the Acropolis, one cannot help but wonder at the magnificent propyle made at the entrance to the temple complex. In २०० In, the unique and modern new Acropolis Museum opens.

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